Today I’m sharing an excerpt from the newly released title, Head Shy, the second book in the Second Joy Stable series, which features Devon, a transman, who is now taking a recuperating off-the-track thoroughbred into his care. His relationship with Xan is becoming closer, and in this book, we see Devon stepping into his own and feeling better about his new job. Now, if only things with Xan were as smooth.

I heard Charlie’s murmuring voice from inside the trailer followed a few moments later by the clop of hooves on the metal floor, muffled as they were by thick mats. A few minutes later a large chestnut horse with a white star and a low right sock stepped hesitantly down the ramp. His left hind leg was wrapped heavily with regular traveling bandages on his other legs.

“He’s got quite the box of supplies. Both the vet and his owner wanted to make sure you were well stocked before the next shipment arrived. He’s got everything on autoship, and they just changed the address to Joy’s farm. I think the owner’s so relieved that you’re willing to just let him heal and be. Not that we wouldn’t have done that at Meadowbrook, but there’s only so many stalls and so many horses need a soft landing.”

“I understand.” So many people too, though I didn’t say that. “I’m so glad to hear his owners are on board. From what I read, it sounds like his condition just needs time and space and some treatment and we’ll see where it ends up. I know you and his vet said that there weren’t any promises.” Though I spoke the words, in my heart I knew that at the very least I wanted this Prince to end up pasture sound and comfortable. Anything less and it wouldn’t be a happy ending.

Charlie stopped just past the end of the ramp, and I slowly walked up to Prince and ran my hand along his shoulder. “We have the large double stall next to the office ready for him.” It’d been a foaling stall and would give Prince plenty of room without endangering his recovery. “He’ll be able to see everything that happens.”

“Sounds perfect.” She offered me the lead rope. “Would you like to bring him into the barn? I can grab his box of supplies.”

“Sure. Thank you.” I took the lead rope, and after giving him one more pat, stepped forward. Prince followed willingly, if not very fast. He seemed relatively sound at the walk, and happy enough to step out, but he certainly didn’t pull or act like he wanted to run off. He looked from side to side as he entered the barn, even gave a half-hearted nicker, but I could tell he was wary at being in a strange place with strange smells.

I paused as we stepped beneath the overhang, letting him get the sense of the transition from the gravel and sunlight outside to the shade and concrete floor. Then, we entered the barn. Summer rode one of the younger horses in the arena, and Prince’s ears swiveled forward. He looked around more earnestly, and I let him. After a few moments we went past the office, tack and feed rooms, and entered the rest of the barn.

We reached the first stall, which I’d already bedded and provided a full, clean water bucket, and added hay in the manger. The water bucket had been washed and refilled, and I’d made sure to toss a few treats from my own stash into the bucket for grain. I led Prince into the stall, turned him to face me and tied him so we could remove his shipping gear. By the time I’d removed his shipping boots, Charlie had entered the barn with a large box.

“You weren’t kidding about his supplies.” The box appeared to be a large storage box.

“This is only the first one. I have some tack and gear, too.”

I gestured to the really nice leather halter and lead rope. “Is this yours or does it go with him?”

“It’s his.”

“Thanks.” I glanced at the halter hook and wondered if he’d be using the leather one all the time. “Let me finish removing the bubble wrap and then I can help. Do they stay with him as well?”

She grinned at my calling his blankets and protective boots and head bumper, “bubble wrap”. “They do.”

I knew I’d have to find space for Prince’s gear in the tack room. I thought we had an empty tack locker but wanted to check with Joy before I assigned it to him. If nothing else, I had an empty corner in my apartment and wouldn’t mind storing things there. I removed the rest of Prince’s gear. He stood like a gentleman, not so much as swishing his tail, though he still looked around. I wished I’d thought to put a few treats in my pocket, so settled for petting him instead. As soon as I set aside his gear, I led him into the big stall, undid his halter and then slowly stepped out of the stall and closed the door. Prince slowly circled the stall, sniffing at everything. He reached the water bucket and took a long drink, then found the hay manger and settled in with his hind foot cocked. Charlie returned with a second box. “Looks like he’s made himself at home. I’m happy to see it.”

Head Shy is now available either directly from this website or from your favorite ebook retailer. This book picks up immediately after the first book in the series, Fresh Horses, but could be read as a standalone.

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