For this snippet Sunday I’m sharing a brief excerpt from a short story I wrote for the midwinter holidays as part of a group promotion. This story is free to the public, though it contains the characters from my serial, which you’re also welcome to read for free. (Paying subscribers unlock more episodes each month.) I hope you enjoy a little holiday cheer.

Tye watched the snow lightly falling outside the window and dusting across the table and chairs on the suite’s patio overlooking the garden. Caeruleus, his unicorn, and Dios’ darker blue stallion frolicked beyond, rearing and kicking in delight. Ayoni, Khyr’s unicorn, stood a little distance away, as if bemused at the other unicorns’ antics.

Dios passed a mug of cocoa here to Tye and gave a second one to Khyr. “There’s a tradition we have here, of singing Midwinter evening until the sun comes up. I’d like you both to join me.”

Khyr smiled. “That sounds lovely. I usually spend the time with the other unicorn tenders, but I’d rather spend it with my bondeds.”

Tye warmed. The holidays hadn’t meant anything to him except a break between semesters when he’d been going to college, and then a few extra days off once he entered the workforce. Some jobs he was luckier than others with the time off. Sometimes he bought a special meal, but mostly had gone out to the barn to feed treats to Blu. Then Blu was gone, and Tye had wished he could bury himself in work during the holidays. “That sounds really nice.”

“Do you sing?” Dios asked. “I hear on earth the magic works through song.”

Tye lifted an eyebrow. “Maybe that’s why I was considered a null? I mean I can sing, but most people would rather I didn’t.”

Khyr stifled a laugh.

“I’m not sure I know your songs, though. All I know are my Christmas carols, and it’s been a long time since I sang those.”

“Ah yes, the earth holiday with the fat man in a red suit and dropping presents down chimneys. Seemed like a fire hazard.” Dios’ eyes twinkled as he teased Tye.

A light knock interrupted the conversation.

Visit this post to read the rest of this short story and while you’re there become a follower of this serial story to read the adventures of Tye, Dios, and Khyr. Thanks for stopping by and reading the excerpt.

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