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On this page you’ll find the exclusive Muse Happens stories as well as any exclusive Muse Happens merchandise that’s in the Charmed Chicken Emporium (my online store). If you’re currently a follower and you would like to upgrade to a subscribing member (starting at $2/month) you can do so here. To manage your subscription, go to your My Account page.
Early Access Serials for followers & subscribers (jump to the story page to choose an episode)
Early Access Serial Chapters (available to followers & subscribers)
Sixteen: Riders Up
This is an episode of an ongoing serial story. Become a follower to read one episode a month or subscribe for faster access. To access this post, you must purchase Muse Happens Patron Plus Level ($20), Muse Happens Patron Level ($10), Muse Happens Supporter (Name Your...
Seven: Time Wobbles and the Brotherhood (Part Two)
This is an episode of an ongoing serial for Muse Happens. Followers get one episode a month; subscribers receive two plus goodies. To access this post, you must purchase Muse Happens Patron Plus Level ($20), Muse Happens Patron Level ($10), Muse Happens Supporter...
First Midwinter (A standalone short story)
This story may contain spoilers for future episodes of Through A Portal Storm as it takes place in the "future" from the current released point in the serial. If you would like to read this serial, please become a free follower to unlock one episode a month. You will...
Seven: Time Wobbles and the Brotherhood (Part One)
This is an episode from an ongoing serial story for Muse Happens. Followers get one episode a month; subscribers get two plus extra goodies. To access this post, you must purchase Muse Happens Patron Plus Level ($20), Muse Happens Patron Level ($10), Muse Happens...
Fourteen: Bonds of Magic
This is a chapter for the ongoing serial story for Muse Happens followers and members. Followers receive one chapter a month; Members receive two in addition to other goodies. To access this post, you must purchase Muse Happens Patron Plus Level ($20), Muse Happens...
Six: The Cult Revealed (Part Two)
This is a chapter from an ongoing serial for my Muse Happens Members. Followers receive one new episode a month; Subscribers receive two plus extra goodies. To access this post, you must purchase Muse Happens Patron Plus Level ($20), Muse Happens Patron Level ($10),...
 Exclusive Muse Happens Short Stories (for subscribing members)
A Pony In Time
Author's Note: This story is being offered to the public as a sneak peak for my Muse Happens membership group. The story of Dela and her new department will be picking up in a forthcoming serial where subscribers will get early access. Enjoy. About the Audio: This...
Luna Lucet
Luna LucetByKit MuseRoshanee sat on her manzanita perch in the corner of the room, eyes half-lidded but ever aware. I watched her, my owl, my socius, thankful I’d bonded to a creature at home in the night. Taking deep breaths, I stood before the altar in my room and...
Finding Pack
https://kitauthor.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/Finding-Pack-Audio.mp3The burn of the moonshine sliding down his throat failed to soothe Hiram. His senses were wound angrier than a disturbed wasp as distant thunder rumbled in the distance. The storm probably wouldn’t...
The Crows Know
Funny how no one cared about the birds disappearing until it was the species they remembered. Where dark eyed juncos had flocked to feeders in the winter and robins heralded the return of spring every year, now it was a treat to see birds, even here in the Ozark...
 Exclusive Muse Happens Audio Books (for subscribing members)
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