I can’t believe it’s February already and that has me thinking about what and how much I wish to publish this year. My first goal is to get the Musimagium books rebranded with this new pen name, and my intent is to start that this month with the Pegasus In Flight & Pegasus Gathered, the first two books in the Pegasus In Flight series. There are at least one, and possibly two more books written, but never published. So I need to go back through my files and check. It’s been a long few years here at the homestead.
But these books tell the founding of the Pegasus Academy and when Pandy in Winter Unicorn refers to the Trio, well they show up in what’s currently titled Touch of Magic and Roses, the next book after the Pegasus Enchantment, I want rebranded and released. I figure all of this will take me until summer, especially considering all the big (20-25 page) papers I have to write this semester. *smiles*
I usually run several works in progress at the same time. Right now I’m focusing on putting the most words on my Pegasus Academy YA story, and hope to have a free novella and a novel for that released as well this year.
Anything else, we’ll just have to see, but I’d like to get at least one more of the Second Joy novellas out this year as well too. We’ll see how that goes.
I’m very excited when I look at 2024. I’ve already written more words so far this year than I did in all of 2022, when I was dealing with extreme burnout. And, I’ve written a third of the word count I completed last year (2023), so that’s a good sign.
In the mean time, enjoy this picture of the horses snoozing in the sun this morning. The mud is drying; the weather is warming. And they’re starting to shed. Spring is on the way.
May we all blossom and grow this year!