The Crows Know: The Crows Know

The Crows Know: The Crows Know

Funny how no one cared about the birds disappearing until it was the species they remembered. Where dark eyed juncos had flocked to feeders in the winter and robins heralded the return of spring every year, now it was a treat to see birds, even here in the Ozark...
Let’s Talk AI Horse Art

Let’s Talk AI Horse Art

I’ve finally trained Facebook to show me what I want — horses. So it wasn’t any surprise when this picture came through a “suggested” group with the caption “look at the pretty horse”. I did. And then my brow furrowed and I...
My Publishing Plans for 2024

My Publishing Plans for 2024

I can’t believe it’s February already and that has me thinking about what and how much I wish to publish this year. My first goal is to get the Musimagium books rebranded with this new pen name, and my intent is to start that this month with the Pegasus In...

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