Welcoming A New Cat To the Clowder

Welcoming A New Cat To the Clowder

Our homestead is a sanctuary for fauna and flora alike. In 2015 we had a couple pregnant cats come to us, and our cat population blossomed from five to fifteen. All the cats got fixed, and though I found homes for a few of the kittens, most of them stayed here. This...
Finding The Connection With Nature

Finding The Connection With Nature

Our property is a haven for deer here in the Ozarks. The county in which I live has one of the highest deer harvests during hunting season for all of Missouri. With large wide open grasslands (thanks to cattle farmers), bits of forest, or large tracts of forest in...
Happy Beltane! Spring on the Homestead

Happy Beltane! Spring on the Homestead

Happy May Day! It’s the first of spring and spring has really sprung here on the homestead. Previously I posted about my kitty litter container garden, and I wanted to provide an update. Using square foot gardening plans, I planted most of the containers with...
January Thaw Brings Mud

January Thaw Brings Mud

After two weeks of being close or below freezing, which had me dealing with hauling hoses in and out of the hose and breaking ice on horse troughs, heavy rain bookending that cold weather, and in preparation for the cold snap bringing home some bug that gave me a...