Cats seem to know to find their way to our place. It could be because we’re the only house along the gravel road without at least one dog, or it just could be that the cat distribution system knows where to send cats. Either way I had been putting out food for them and getting a space ready to bring them inside. With last week’s cold and snow and the expected temperatures, I knew we had to trap them.

The black cat, which you see in the featured image, that I had taken to calling Void, actually found its way into the chicken run to eat some left overs I’d placed out for the chickens to eat. I managed to get it to go into the chicken coop, and from there, could scruff it into a carrier. After being indoors and warm and fed for a week that cat is very vocal, full of purrs, and loves to be petted. The Void is happy.

A close up side view of a black cat in a came cam. Cat is sitting and looking off to the left.
A picture of Void taken from the game cam I had set up to track the kitties.

That was Monday evening. On Tuesday, with the snow due to arrive in the afternoon, I set the trap. Luckily the tabby cat, who I had been calling Fudge Stripes (to go with the food themed office kitties, Skittles & Strudel), was caught. And while it too is warm and fed and in a much better place, this cat is truly wild and really is not warming up to me at all. Time will change that, though I’m sure. Strudel, who is a huge love now, was starting to get used to me when I was feeding him outside, but still took several weeks to allow petting.

The snow is gone and the tulips are coming up. The wild narcissus are up and starting to show buds. The later daffodils are also up as well. It’s been in the 60s and 70s, and while that’s warm for this time of year, In fact, it even looks like the horses are starting to shed. I, for one, am thrilled. There’s so much I wanted to do on the farm and didn’t get done because it was so cold the past few months.

So hopefully, the afternoons will bring work outside getting things ready for spring, and I can rest assured knowing that these two gentleman (I’m pretty sure Fudge Stripes is also a gentleman) will eventually be getting into the vet to be fixed. In the meantime, they are warm and safe and fed, and hopefully, will also be happy. After all, this is the kitty resort around here, and these guys have no idea just how good they got it.

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