by Kit Caelsto | Feb 26, 2025 | Cats, Homestead Life
Cats seem to know to find their way to our place. It could be because we’re the only house along the gravel road without at least one dog, or it just could be that the cat distribution system knows where to send cats. Either way I had been putting out food for...
by Kit Caelsto | Jan 29, 2025 | Homestead Life, Horses
After close to six weeks of cold weather, including three weeks of having hoses coiled in my hallway to keep them from freezing so I could water the horses without lugging 10 kitty litter buckets full of water every day, worrying about the possibility of frozen pipes...
by Kit Caelsto | May 1, 2024 | Homestead Life
Happy May Day! It’s the first of spring and spring has really sprung here on the homestead. Previously I posted about my kitty litter container garden, and I wanted to provide an update. Using square foot gardening plans, I planted most of the containers with...