A Pony In Time

A Pony In Time

Author’s Note: This story is being offered to the public as a sneak peak for my Muse Happens membership group. The story of Dela and her new department will be picking up in a forthcoming serial where subscribers will get early access. Enjoy. The drab halls...
Building an Expansive Universe

Building an Expansive Universe

My Musimagium world began as an alternate history story. The original book, which I have rewritten twice and haven’t published yet, is set a few years before the civil war. When I decided to revisit the world, I decided to start in our modern day. What would...
Finding The Connection With Nature

Finding The Connection With Nature

Our property is a haven for deer here in the Ozarks. The county in which I live has one of the highest deer harvests during hunting season for all of Missouri. With large wide open grasslands (thanks to cattle farmers), bits of forest, or large tracts of forest in...

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