Sonia Morales thought she’d never have more than her small plot of land and the honor of being a caretaker to a small herd of magical equines. The storm that knocked down the animal’s shelter also created havoc in her life, because she’s charged with helping the youngest pegasus fly. Can a former concert pianist with rheumatoid arthritis help a pegasus filly with PTSD overcome her fears? And if they do so, can they be the duo with the strength to lead the new Pegasus Academy?

The goal of the Pegasus Academy is to help recreate the mage-magical equine bond that’s been lost, and not everyone is happy about this change. Local troublemakers aren’t helping either, and when the magical and mundane forces join together to stop the academy, it’s going to take all of Sonia’s skills, because a very special herd of magical equines is counting on her to save them and the academy.

This title contains all four books in the Pegasus Enchantment series.

Some mages have the ability to talk to motors and electricity. Katrin is one such mage, and she's left the life of being in a car theft ring to build electric guitars. A phone call threatens to pull her back in to save her brother. What a stolen car tells her may be the key to getting him out of jail.

If you'd like to read this story, become a member of my Muse Happens group. Choose your membership level and perks. Membership starts at only $2/month and all members receive free short stories every month.

Book Cover: The Search for Apollo's Chalice
Part of the The Time Archivists series:
  • The Search for Apollo’s Chalice

Deep within Tempus Magus, the time travel division of Armis, is an even more secretive organization that hunts for rare artifacts to keep them from falling into the wrong hands. The Time Archivists are those agents assigned to retrieve these artifacts and keep them safe. Brought together from various agencies in the Musimagium, each archivist brings special skills to the team. Join them on their hunt for magical, sacred objects through all of time.

This is a story released in serial form, which expands the existing world of Radio Arcanum/Musimagium.

Make sure you're a follower to read each chapter as it's released. Or, click on the REAM link on this page to follow me there to read chapters. For FREE FOLLOWERS a chapter a month will be released.

Subscribe to Muse Happens here and receive bonus short stories each month. A "name your price" membership tier is also available for those who wish to support for less than $5 month. Or you can subscribe on Ream or Patreon starting at $5/month. Paying subscribers receive TWO chapters a month and will be reading ahead of the free subscribers. So make sure you don't miss anything!

Book Cover: Through A Portal Storm
Part of the Limel Magus series:
  • Through A Portal Storm

The unicorns are dying. Slowly enough that no one noticed at first, but now it's becoming a real problem because when a unicorn dies the person it bonded with dies too. To compound the problem the magic storms that are affecting Earth are also disrupting the portal between it and the home world of the unicorns. Three people from earth -- a geneticist, a meteorologist, and a veterinarian--are brought to a new world to try and save the unicorns and understand the magic storms. If they can't do either, then it isn't just the unicorns that will be lost, because the unraveling of their innate magic will threaten the entire universe, including their counterparts on Earth.

This is a story released in serial form, which expands the existing world of Radio Arcanum/Musimagium.

Make sure you're a follower to read each chapter as it's released. Or, click on the REAM link on this page to follow me there to read chapters. For FREE FOLLOWERS a chapter a month will be released.

Subscribe to Muse Happens here and receive bonus short stories each month. A "name your price" membership tier is also available for those who wish to support for less than $5 month. Or you can subscribe on Ream or Patreon starting at $5/month. Paying subscribers receive TWO chapters a month and will be reading ahead of the free subscribers. So make sure you don't miss anything!


He raced toward the bathroom. The men’s room was closer, and he opened the door and dashed inside, slamming the door just as a huge wrenching noise filled the room. The floor shifted underneath him, his stomach lurching. He stumbled, falling into the metal side of a stall, then felt himself falling as if in slow motion to the floor. The sticky, cleaned gods knew how long ago floor, rose to met him and he landed hard on his right hip. His phone flew from his grasp, flying across the room. It hit the floor, the screen shattering.


Tye rolled over and stared at the ceiling tiles being sucked up toward the roof by the change in air pressure as the storm moved over the little building not far off the interstate. One tile, then another, began to suck upwards, popping from the roof and being tossed into the sky. Not caring that he was on the floor, Tye rolled into a ball, shielded his head with his hands and scooted as close to the back wall as he could. That, he knew, went up against the utility room with the heating and cooling system, so not an outside wall.

Squeezing his eyes closed, he knew the roar of the wind going overhead would haunt his dreams for a long time. He swore he kept his eyes closed, but a multi-color swirling began behind them. The wind sounded as if it were behind him now, almost completely finished with the building, and he opened his eyes, but the swirls of color remained. Like a liquid pool he could drown in and never emerge, and really, would it matter if he did? He was single, didn’t even have a dog to wait for him when he got home. He worked too many long hours. Then, he didn’t have time to think because he was falling, falling, until he landed with a thud on what felt like soft pillows and cushions.

Pillows? Cushions? This wasn’t the men’s bathroom at Equine Equality Genetics. He opened his eyes for real, taking in a large gold frame with those same colorful swirls he’d seen. He started to sit when strong hands on his shoulders kept him from moving.

“Lay still for a moment,” a deep voice with musical overtones said. “You might be hurt.”

“Where am I?” He asked, turning his head and catching a view of long, male legs wearing form fitting white breeches with tall, polished brown boots. His head throbbed and he closed his eyes with a groan before he could see to whom the legs belonged, though he suspected it was whoever had spoken. “What happened?”

“What do you remember?” A woman asked nearby.

“The storm. Tornado.”

“Ah, Terran weather. So violet at times,” the man said.

“Terran weather?” Tye parroted. “Is this Oz?” He struggled to sit, thinking it’d be his luck to be dragged somewhere in a tornado. His head throbbed and every muscle in his body ached as if he really had been tossed by a tornado. His phone? The samples? He had to see if everything had survived, because all he had was this job. He’d devoted himself to it since Blu’s death. If he didn’t have his job, or his horse, then what did he have? His life? Someone would tell him it was worth something, but it had felt pretty damn lonely for a long time.

The hand touched his shoulder. “Easy. You took a nasty blow to the head as you came through the portal.”

The words meant nothing to him. Portal? He managed to sit up and the instant his feet, one of them still covered with a flimsy shoe protector that had ripped across the toe, he regretted it because he realized he was tracking mud on pristine white carpet? Who the hell carpeted in white, and where was he?


A devotee of Soma who is allergic to the sun is called to view the eclipse. Going outside could burn her, but the mage she finds there needs her even more. She can't disobey her god, but can she chance going outside, even if it is for a once in a lifetime moment?

This is one half of a short story duology inspired by the legend of Sunsinger and Shadowdancer written by Mercedes Lackey. This is my original take on it set in my own world.

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