by Kit Muse

Book Cover: The Crows Know

A team of scientists struggles to reestablish communication on a broken radio. A gift from the skies may hold hope...and provide more questions than answers.

Set fifty years in the future, this solarpunk short story is connected to my Radio Arcanum world. It was written for the theme of reciprocity and was inspired by an article about climate refuges in the Ozarks.

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Imprint: Charmed Chicken Media







About the Author

Kit has loved horses all their live and never grew out of that “horse crazy” phase. Very few people can say they are doing what they wanted to be doing when they “grew up”, but Kit’s proud to be writing adult equestrian literature and living on a homestead in the Ozarks with a sacred herd of rescue horses. Sharing the homestead with Kit and the horses, are their spouse, a flock of chickens (and one Roman Tufted Goose), a very spoiled duck, a three-legged bearded dragon, a few parakeets, and many cats. Their animals often make it into their stories, especially when they’re writing about the magical, musical world of Radio Arcanum.

They’ve been writing professionally since 2002, and have written in multiple genres under multiple pen names. Currently their focus is on equestrian literature, fantasy, and young adult works featuring diverse characters. When not writing or working on the homestead, they enjoy playing the clarinet, enjoying all things Star Trek, and continuing their education.


Other Books By Kit Muse

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