A team of scientists struggles to reestablish communication on a broken radio. A gift from the skies may hold hope...and provide more questions than answers.

Set fifty years in the future, this solarpunk short story is connected to my Radio Arcanum world. It was written for the theme of reciprocity and was inspired by an article about climate refuges in the Ozarks.

This story is available for free to members of my Muse Happens group.

This story is now offered exclusively on my website with a coupon off your first month's membership to Muse Happens.










Book Cover: Winter Unicorn

It's winter break at Pegasus Academy and most of the students have gone home; however, Pandy (Pandora) has stayed behind. She's older than her classmates, due to being out of school during treatment for childhood lukemia and dealing with its after effects. She doesn't fit in at school, and she's a reminder that even those with magical talent get very mundane diseases. Good thing her academic work isn't going unnoticed, and when she's given extra duties, she gladly agrees. What she's really excited about is the impending birth of a unicorn foal. She's always felt out of place at the Pegasus Academy; maybe it's time she carved out a spot of her own.

Winter Unicorn is a YA novella set at Pegasus Academy and features a disabled heroine. This story is meant to be a prelude to future stories featuring Pandy.










a queer equestrian story

Starting over is never easy, but for Devon Markson, taking the barn manager job at Second Joy Farms in northern Arkansas made perfect sense. The owner, Joy, didn't just work with rescued horses, she also seemed to rescue people, too, and Devon knew he needed a soft landing after what he'd experienced at his previous barn. He knew he could do the work, and Joy didn't care that he was transgender. And although he quickly begins to shine, Devon comes to realize, the hardest part of starting over isn't adapting to the changes. It's letting go of all those things that need to be left behind.

Fresh Horses is the start of an adult equestrian series featuring trans joy, rescued horses with heart, and found family.











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