The final installment in the Pegasus Enchantment!

The attacks on the Pegasus Academy threaten the lives of its new Dean, Sonia Morales, as well as her chief of security, new weapons master, and everyone working on site. But when the culprit damages a building and nearly brings it down on Sonia, she knows she needs to do more. She calls out for help and gets it in the form of an elite team to be stationed at the school, as well as Musimagium forces. The final battle is approaching. It's time to unchain not just her magic, but the powers of the magical equines, and ensure the safety of the school as well as everyone associated with it.

Author's note: This previously unpublished cozy fantasy completes this series, which is part of the Radio Arcanum universe. See how some of the main characters in the Pegasus Academy got their start, as well as learn about characters who will appear in other books.

Set in the Ozarks around 1917, a wounded WWI veteran and his red wolf companion live secluded in an Ozarks cabin. Neither accepted by the locals, nor by the Musimagium due to the connection he shares with his wolf and the fact he plays the banjo, he's forced to go it alone, always looking to belong, but never being able to. Until the night the Moko pack attacks and he discovers he's not as alone as he thought.

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Founding the Pegasus Academy

The magical equines are coming to Pegasus Academy, but not everyone is happy about the development. Dean Sonia Morales is juggling finding the right people to staff this new endeavor and getting push back from the Musimagium. When the person holding the equines captive claims Sonia stole them from her, the threats to the academy become more dire. This time, they might shut down the academy for good. Protecting the equines, and the academy's future students, will cost Sonia more than she knows. Will she have to go at it alone, and can she convince the equines that her academy has the strength to protect them?

CW: This story contains mentions of animal and child abuse, but is never shown on the page.

Author's note: This cozy fantasy read has never before been published and is part of the Radio Arcanum universe. See how some of the main characters in the Pegasus Academy got their start.

The new Dean of the Pegasus Academy, Sonia Morales, and her pegasus filly find themselves dealing more and more with the daily minutiae of getting a school up and running. An act of sabotage at the school's building site reverberates through Sonia's small household with the memory of an earlier attack. Not everyone wants magical equines to play a role in the Musimagium, let alone the school, and not everyone working there has the school's best interest at heart.

Once more Sonia and the filly find themselves in danger from those who are jealous of the pegasus and scared of their magical abilities. If they can't protect the school grounds, then how can they hope to protect future students? And Sonia worries that she's just a a former concert pianist with RA and not strong enough to do what's necessary when it counts. She's going to have to call on some friends, as well as her inner strength to save the academy she's grown to love.

Note: This cozy read was previously published under a different pen name. This book has been edited slightly from the original version to bring it better in line with the Radio Arcanum universe. You never know where characters from the other books in this universe may appear.







Once a celebrated concert pianist, Sonia Morales retired to the New Mexico countryside after her RA made it impossible to continue her career. She cared for her special plot of land and some magical equines as best as she could. She never imagined getting close to them or forming a bond until the night a storm knocks down their shelter and the fate of their filly is revealed. If she doesn’t bond with a human and fly, she’ll die. Sonia fears her body isn’t up to the task, though her magic and spirit are willing. Discovering the reason for the filly’s fears of humans makes her more determined than ever to protect them. She’s offered the chance of a lifetime and an opportunity to help not just her filly, but all pegasus. Is she strong enough to take it? And can a disabled woman and a pegasus with PTSD bond enough to fly?

Note: This cozy read was previously published under a different pen name. This book has been edited slightly from the original version. This book is part of the Radio Arcanum universe and you never know where characters from the other books may appear.








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